Vendor Application for the 3rd annual Monterey Bay Jade Festival
June 10/11/12, 2022 at the Custom House Plaza
Monterey State Historic Park, Monterey, CA 93940
We would like to remind everyone, we are a not-for-profit organization and none of us who are doing the ‘heavy lifting’ are compensated for our work. Therefore, paying attention to the instructions, meaning reading them and following instructions carefully, will contribute to lessening our workload and eliminating the unnecessary need to chase vendors down for missing or incorrect submissions.
We have made changes to optimize submissions for our 2022 event, so please read the application thoroughly.
The MBJF Board of Directors will consider any jade vendor for approval who complies with the primary requirement: A vendor MUST have a minimum 51+% jade content to qualify for acceptance. Once an application is received and reviewed, we will notify you by email within 48 hours of your acceptance or decline.
For returning vendors, once your application and request for booth has been accepted, you will be sent a PayPal invoice and you will have until February 28th, 2022, to submit full payment for your attendance. Approved new vendors will be invoiced after March 1, 2020, and must submit complete payment in order to secure their booth no later than two weeks from the date of invoicing. After the due dates mentioned above, for either returning or new vendors, anyone not meeting their payment deadline will forfeit their booth reservation. Allocation of any available booths after this time will be subject to “first come first served” basis.
We will try to assign the same location to returning vendors as they had in 2019, but booth allocations and locations are always subject to the approval of our Executive Committee.
The vendor fee for a basic booth for the three-day event is $450.00 and we have pledged to maintain our pricing for the next two years as long as the State of California Parks Department does not increase their fees to us.
The basic booth size is 10′ x 10′ or a large booth measuring 10’ x 20’ is available for $900.00.
Cancellation and Refund Policy: Cancel before 03/12 – you’ll receive a 90% refund. Cancel before 04/12 you’ll receive 75% of your booth fee. Cancel before 05/12 – you’ll receive 50% of your booth fee. Cancel after 05/12 – your refund is subject to us securing a qualified vendor replacement
The City of Monterey now requires an annual Business License at the cost of $30.00 ($26.00 for the City of Monterey and $4.00 to the State of California). The information and required formal BLANK application will be emailed to you once your initial application is received and approved.
ALL vendors are responsible to obtain and carry a valid CA Resale License. For Information click on this link .
Also, as of last year’s event, there is a requirement by the California State Fire Marshall that all tents be fire rated. Most new canopy/tent fabrics should already be compliant, (check the label of your tent) but we have been told the older tents can be self-treated with a fire retardant which may be seen in this LINK , and as long as you maintain evidence of treatment (save your fire retardant empty container) that you sprayed your tent with, in the event the Fire Marshall conducts an inspection.
After April 12th 2022, we will be sending you important information, as a PDF document, outlining event expectations of conduct, (enforced by the California State Park), during the event and specific instructions for event set-up and take-down.
Make sure the email you submitted is in working order and check it regularly, including your spam-filter, in order to avoid needless, follow up by our limited staff!